President: serves as the official representative of the NYSOMOTC. They work with the Executive Board to provide a smooth-running organization, to initiate new projects, answer questions and resolve conflict. They appoint the Parliamentarian and the Advisor as well as Standing Committees and Special Committee Chairs. They work with the State Meeting Co-Chairs to ensure the success of the annual State Meeting.
Vice President: serves as the second in command, working closely with the President. As the official NYSOMOTC-Clubs Liaison, they handle all matters related to the Membership and encourage non-member clubs to join.
Treasurer: has the custody of the NYSOMOTC General Fund and the Eleanor Siegel Memorial Fund. Works with the President to formulate an annual proposed budget, pay vouchers, manage the bank accounts, prepare the financial reports for the Presidential Papers, file the annual IRS Form 990. They prepare the Midterm and year-end Financial Reports and present the financial books for Audit at the State Meeting.
Recording Secretary: takes the minutes at the annual State Meeting and the Executive Board Meetings. They call the Roll at the meetings. Using their notes and the digital recordings, they work with the Minutes Approval Committee to produce the Official Minutes of each NYSOMOTC Meeting.
Advisor: appointed by the President with the Executive Board’s approval; they provide guidance and counsel to the Officers, Chairs and the Member Clubs. They obtain the gift plaque for the outgoing President. They tabulate the Evaluation Forms and report the results to the membership.
Parliamentarian: appointed by the President with the Executive Board’s approval; they impartially explain the rules governing the NYSOMOTC to ensure that business is conducted in the proper manner. The specific duties include: preparing the Roll Calls for all the meetings; presenting amendments to the Bylaws and Standing Rules; distribution of credentials, the certification of delegates and overseeing the voting process at the annual State Meeting.
Archivist: is the custodian of all the NYSOMOTC’s permanent records (including photo albums) and memorabilia. They determine the historical value of individual files submitted, preserve the materials in safe containers, maintain a record of material saved and assist those who request archived items.
Certificates: they prepare the certificates for the Executive Board members which are presented at the annual State Meeting.
Club Scrapbook Page Chair: coordinates all phases of the contest including selecting a theme, publishing the rules and obtaining the judges. They work with the State Meeting Chair to arrange the contest set-up, display and judging times. They prepare the Certificates of Participation and announce the contest winners at the State Meeting.
Librarian: serves as a resource person for the NYSOMOTC membership. They research and report on books and publications for children of all ages and parents about multiple births and families, fiction, non-fiction and biographies.
Marie Simmons Scholarship Chair: mails the applications packet upon request; receives all documentation from the applicants and distributes the application documents to the Committee members for judging. They notify the President, Vice President, the MSS Treasurer/Vice Chair and the Committee the names of the scholarship winners and present the awards at the State Meeting. They update the Album of MSS Recipients and display it at the annual State Meeting.
MSS Treasurer/Vice Chair: keeps an accurate accounting of all funds and financial records pertaining to the MSS Fund; they present the financial records for Audit at the State Meeting; receive unaltered copies of all documents sent by applicants and confer with the MSS Chairperson to determine the recipients. They issue the checks for the scholarship recipients and the winner(s) of the annual calendar raffle.
MSS Committee: consists of five (5) judging members and an alternate. The judging members and alternate evaluate the applications and return their judging results to the MSS Chairperson and the MSS Vice Chairperson by the designated date.
MSS Fundraiser: coordinates all phases of the two (2) annual MSS Fundraisers. Reports are presented at the Midterm Executive Board Meeting and at the State Meeting
Membership Pins Chair: maintains an updated attendance record of the members and guest registered at the State Meeting each year and coordinates the pins presentation ceremony at the Saturday General Meeting.
Midterm Executive Board Meeting Chair: consults the President and organizes the Midterm Executive Board Meeting, held the 3rd Saturday of October. They work closely with the meeting site to negotiate an acceptable contract for the room rates and the Luncheon.
Newsletter Contest Chair: coordinates all phases of the contest, publishes the rules and obtains the judges. They prepare and present the Certificates of Participation and announce the winners at the State Meeting.
Newsletter Editor: receives articles, publishes and emails the Presidential Papers, the annual Executive Board and the Member Clubs’ Directories.
Nominating Committee Chair: is an elected position. They work with the Nominating Committee to present a slate for the election of Officers, held every other year. They distribute and collect Resume Forms, create the Eligibility List of candidates running for Office and for Nominating Chair. They conduct the Installation Ceremony.
Nominating Committee Member: elected by the membership, these four (4) members work with the Nominating Chair to seek candidates and prepare the slate for the election of Officers, held every other year.
Photographer: creates a pictorial history of the NYSOMOTC at the annual meetings.
Procedure Manual Chair: prepares the manual revisions as approved by the Executive Board and provides them to the Executive Board and to the Member Clubs via the Website; distributes the badges; prepares and emails the annual State Rep packet to the Member Clubs and to the Webmaster.
Reflections Chair: presents the opening and closing reflections at the NYSOMOTC meetings; conducts the Memorial Service at the Saturday General Meeting; offers Grace at the Saturday Luncheon and at the Midterm Executive Board Meeting. She prepares the Memorial Page for the Program Booklet. On behalf of the NYSOMOTC, she sends cards of sympathy or congratulations to acknowledge local club members, as well as acknowledges memorial donations received for the Eleanor Siegel Memorial Fund and the Marie Simmons Scholarship Fund. They are the custodian of the Eleanor Siegel Memorial Album
Research: they create an annual Research Survey and report its findings to the membership at the State Meeting.
State Meeting Chair: organizes and coordinates all aspects of the annual State Meeting, assisted by a Co-Chair and the Host Committee, following the Guidelines in the Procedure Manual. This is a two-year planning process and commitment as a member of the Executive Board.
State Meeting Liaison: as the previous State Meeting Chair, they advise and assist the current and future State Meeting Chairs.
State/National Liaison: reports information between the NYSOMOTC and the Multiples of America (NOMOTC). They are in charge of preparing and sending the Ad for the MOA (NOMOTC) Convention Journal, with the approval of the Executive Board.
Twin Data Registry: they collect the Twin Data Registry forms from member clubs and maintain a current database.
Twin Photo Registry Chair: collects photos of members and their family, the Club Scrapbook Pages and maintains the albums as a permanent pictorial record of the NYSOMOTC membership.
Unity Project: collects written articles submitted by the local club members and maintains them in the Unity Book.
Ways & Means Chair: organizes the Baskets Raffle conducted at the State Meeting. They create the theme, obtain and display the baskets donated by each member club in attendance, sell the raffle tickets and distribute the prizes. They present a sales summary at the Sunday Executive Board Meeting.
Website/Social Media Committee: Webmaster maintains and manages all phases related to the Website, with the approval of the President and the Executive Board. They organize the Power Point presentation and the distribution of reports at the annual meetings. The Committee works with the Webmaster to upload updates, post messages on the NYSOMOTC Facebook page and other social media.